Well it’s great to hear that you are at least doing better physically bro. Mental health is something you can at least work on and have some level of control over.
I too am on a break from guitar, as you may of gathered based on my absence from this forum. I pick it up every now and then and have a noodle for 10 mins but my fingers have lost their calasses and strength so I’m really really sloppy and loose.
It’s really because of lack of time and energy but I’m sure that in the future I will be playing again regularly, especially when I finally get my JEM, which is getting closer and more likely the more I work and fix all the problems with my house. It’s hard to justify it when your house has no heating and roof issues that requires your hard earned cash instead. To think that I was considering buying a JEM and sitting in the freezing cold all winter playing it , I’m an idiot sometimes but mental health does play a part as buying that thing Ive wanted for years would no doubt cheer me up, for a while anyway.