I am also 34, I think you’re fine. That being said, I’ve had to take it easy for the past few weeks because I injured my picking hand from pushing myself way too fast, way too soon. I’m not at the level you are, but I was determined to get my raw tremolo speed to 16ths at 210 and that did me in because like you, I saw some huge gains in a short period of time once I started using CtC. I can do 180-190 for raw tremolo picking on one string and I had to tell myself that was enough, for now.
To backup my point - I do believe it was in the pop tarts lick intro video where Troy was talking about making that break through that he was very likely playing it slower than he is able to at his current level, but that he was just happy to have made that leap. The increase in speed over time for him may have been gradual and not this automatic jump to where he is now speed wise.
With everything I’ve watched of your stuff it’s really good dude. I think it’s great that you want to push yourself, but maybe ask yourself if these last 10-20 bpm is something that will come in time and to just keep at it.
I personally stopped with the metronome and practice the stuff on my level as fast as is comfortable, with sprint intervals. I get a little more tight / accurate / comfortable everyday. I’ll revisit the metronome every few weeks as it relates to this kind of practice just to see where I’m at, but I’m just happy I’m able to play at the level I’m at now. It’s better than I was before, that’s for sure.
This may be obvious, but try changing your playing situation. Meaning, play standing up, play unplugged so you can really hear every mistake, stuff like that. I’ll be practicing ascending 6s plugged in and if I don’t want to stop playing, I’ll put my guitar strap on and go out to my living room and practice unplugged.
I have no doubts you’re going to get to those speeds you desire, but consider letting your new abilities incubate for a minute.