Keith Whalen Picking

One of the ‘unknown guitar gods’ of YouTube. Someone mentioned him on a Marshall Harrison stream so had to check it out. Highly impressed, some very original patterns in his playing. Like Marshall, he’s also a pretty accomplished piano player and is super influenced by the classical masters. Here’s a short compilation of his playing I think a few people here might really enjoy. Great player!


Pretty sick!

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Very nice. Some sparkly arpeggios in there

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Didn’t know him. Some nice patterns and seems to be a pretty individual picking aproach.
Thanks fos sharing this! :grinning:

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Some more Karl goodness… 12 minutes of it in fact!

Also a good video of him translating piano arpeggios to the guitar…
and on that note, I think I need to practice the piano a bit more, I’m WELL behind! Haha!

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