Hi. It’s been about 2 years since I started trying out CtC stuff. I have a way better understanding of picking technique now but applying it to actual playing didn’t get much easier for me. The biggest change is that my picking motion is now supinated flextensiony DSX (used to be pronated deviationy DSX before CtC). Not so much of a change, but it enabled swiping for me, which is a thing that I couldn’t do with my previous tech.
Now I’m trying to add a bit of rotation to do occasional upstroke changes and inside picking kind of works, mostly on 2 string phrases. If I’m lucky I’m able to play through a 3nps ascending scale cleanly. It’s the outside changes that I can’t clear. Looking at the videos now I think I may actually be supinated too much and I can’t rotate enough because of that. The other thing that maybe causes problems is my range of motion (outside changes need bigger upstrokes than inside changes) or maybe I’m a little flexed and the wrist can’t move freely because of that. I’m not sure, that’s why I’m posting these.
Inside licks feel like they lack reliability but could be fixed with enough practice, outside ones feel like complete mess. You can clearly see I’m swiping them.
Here’s an interesting thing, when I ignore the rules of DSX completely and just go for it, I swipe the inside changes. I thought it’s illegal but it works with decent right hand muting.
Now it’s time for the USX part of the post. I tried wrist only approach but couldn’t make anything out of it. If I could do it I’d probably be able to do DBX as well. With the wrist approach it’s always not enough supination to escape and when I dial more, I start hitting the strings with my index finger. About a year ago I’ve had some success with kind of forearm/wrist blend but didn’t make any progress since then. Some of these clips look decent and the speed is past the stringhopping level, but it’s far from effortless. A few licks is enough for me to start feeling pain in my forearm or elbow knuckle. Even when I’m trying to play tremolo or economy picking an ascending scale where the escape isn’t needed, the pain is still there.
Even though the trajectory is curved, you can see a lot of swiping, especially on lower strings. I don’t think this movement is stringhopping but there’s clearly something wrong with it. I think I’ll ditch it and go back to trying wrist only again.
These are some of my latest attempts. In the first one it’s the outside change (g to d) that causes me the most discomfort.
The last thing that I’d like to ask about is this:
In the first clip I’m rotating a little bit to pronation side on downstrokes and supinating on upstrokes. The second one is the reverse, and it seems to work while being a little swipey. Is the second one similar to what Andy Wood does when doing descending outside picking, changing the wrist motion a little and maybe adding a little rotation to help the tracking?
To sum it all up, basically there’s a common theme to all these clips - I can’t do upstroke string changes. I can do DSX from both supinated and pronated, wrist or elbow. USX I can’t do at all. I feel like when I’ll figure out some kind of smooth USX, I’ll have both my helper motion and DBX.
Thanks for taking your time to read this and watch the clips.