Long time player and left handed playing right handed guitar

Just wanted to say hi and thank you for the pick slanting course, I have been playing for over 20 years and I’m completely self-taught. I am left-handed but learned to play right-handed.

I only got pick slanting course at the weekend, it is amazing! I mainly play rock/metal and I have struggled with all kinds of youtube videos trying to sort out my picking. What I’ve learned so far is that I am fastest with an elbow motion and a DSX which is what I do when I am not thinking about it. Interestingly I have never been able to understand USX but 30 minutes of trying and I can do it at speed, just a brilliant explanation of how to do it - and for the first time ever my arm stays still

I’d also like to say that youtube caused me to have a string skipping technique, as the advice online wasn’t complete and being a natural DSX player the techniques online coupled with my own caused me to bounce all over the place.

Great course and glad to be part of the community


Hi David I made a similar post earlier today, I will put link if your interested in having a read?


For a second I thought this was @Jsx94 messing with us / me, total mind trip!

But yeah, I have a friend in a similar situation with regards to left handed but playing righty (lol)…

I am right handed player who became left handed player after 15 years of playing right handed.
Become left handed is hard bro!

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