I’ve watched the Cascade seminar and there are so many little licks, tricks and techniques that need to be fully engrained into muscle memory before I can start using them effectively in writing and improvising. As Zakk Wylde says, “if you’re thinkin you’re stinkin.”
One thing Troy said that really resonated with me is that each pentatonic position is a neighborhood. Get to know the streets, the corners, the ways to get around, etc. like the back of your hand.
I guess I only studied the notes but couldn’t play 10 different great licks in each position.
So, I think I’m going to spend most of my time in each Pentatonic module 1 by 1 really trying to become intimate with them. Playing them in different keys, speeds, tempos, etc.
Would this be a really effective way to start to master the EJ technique and sound and start to be able to use what I learn naturally?