More bootleg EVH

Haven’t seen this one before so I’m sure this will get taken down in five minutes. But man there’s some cool stuff in here:

Edit: I think is the same show that went up last year, just with a little more backstage warmup in it.


Whoa more 1978 – this time from Osaka Japan. Definitely haven’t seen this one:


“I play keyboards more than I do guitar.” Didn’t Shawn Lane say the same?


Those are always so cool to watch. Better save them while you can!

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Piano is a lot easier to compose with because the visual aspect is so much easier than it is with guitar.

You play a chord on piano and you can always tell what the notes are. On guitar, well…

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great finds, Troy. Eddie was an endless stream of ideas.

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Welp, there’s even an article about it with more footage.

Yeah, this guy is releasing pure GOLD. His upscaling of the videos looks incredible. What an amazing gift to the music community.

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‘78 MSG and Lubbock TX stuff too, amazing!!!

At the 12:50 mark of the Japan footage you get the cleanest footage ever of Ed doing the Spanish fly triplets in his youth. I haven’t slowed it down to see what he’s doing yet but plan to

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he did exactly the same thing as he did in his high def vids later in life.


and offucking course the vids are deleted. Great.

just believe me Ed swiped the run, I posted about it years ago on here, fk YouTube for deleting it as soon as I post about it. Now wtf is that. literally it’s gone…. it got deleted as I was posting :rage:

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I found out about all the new vids yesterday, planned to rip all of it and it’s gone today. Super annoying. I did get the clip of the Osaka solo yesterday saved. Can I post it here from my camera roll? Don’t want to cause copy write issues for anyone….

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Guys, this is footage from former Van Halen road manager Noel Monk. A guy bought it from him before he died with a proposed Van Halen documentary in sight, but the kibosh was put on that…so the individual decided to throw it on YouTube. And MANY fans immediately downloaded it…I didn’t, but dozens of my friends did. Many are already re-uploading…just as with the Donington ‘84 footage, it is impossible to stop it from turning up…the genie is out of the bottle!

The Osaka footage is from one camera, but there were multiple cameras used to professionally film the show. I don’t know where the rest of the footage is, but this camera only focused on Michael Anthony and Roth primarily…I’m certain that one or more of the other cameras were tasked with focusing on Edward…sadly we don’t see that. Only the briefest of Edward footage is there…but as you know, this is Edward in full flight at an absolute peak. And to be fair, Roth and the band are also in excellent form. These guys practiced a scorch earth policy then…

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Most are back up courtesy of this fine gentleman. I have grabbed them all. Get them before the matrix agents zap the channel

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