New-Applying Table test?

I’ve been guitar over 40 years and still “meh” picking wise. Yes, I’m old!
I played mostly slide/finger style for the last 20, but trying to pick now although with a thumb pick.
When playing slower I’m USX/forearm rotation with bad string hopping. When picking tremolo I’m DSX cleanish ~150 b.p.m. using combo of thumb/wrist/elbow, with bursts up to 180.

One of my many problems is endurance. Too much wrist flexion causes discomfort.
Doing the table tests the most comfortable is the straight knocking on the table.
I can’t find on the website if there’s a way to apply it.
I’ll try to post video tomorrow.


Welcome to the Forum @Tcb37 !

You may find the thread below interesting RE: very “vertical” wrist picking motions. Also, of course feel free to post a technique critique video and we’ll take a look :slight_smile: Instructions attached!

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