Tommo is back from the paternity break (but the paternity continues indefinitely hehe) - Tag me if you need me!

Hey All!

Just wanted to let you know that, if I seem a bit less active on the forum in the next couple of weeks, it’s because our second daughter has just arrived!

I’ll be back at full capacity soon but for now all the household is devoted to teaching her how to sleep :grin:

But just because I’m away… it don’t mean you can start stringhoppin’ all over the place! I will be checking on you at random intervals :smiley:

Speak soon!



Congrats! You’ve just been promoted from parent to referee! :joy:


Do you recommend downward or upward teatslanting?


Congrats, Tommo!

I wouldn’t worry so much about the slant of the teat. That’s not really what you should be looking for here! After the Andy Wood interview we’ve had to re-think our concept of teatslanting entirely (and biology, too)! In short, you’re not trying to influence the way the teat is slanted, you’re trying to change the mouth orientation so that it moves on a different diagonal.

As always, a video says a thousand words. Post any footage you might have and I’d be more than happy to take a look.


Congratulations @tommo!!! You’re much more adventurous than I am. When my wife had our son 4 years ago it was the best thing that ever happened to us…but I could never fathom why anyone would want more than 1 child hahahahahaha! I’m still begging for mercy and trying to come up for air. This kid is just nuts.

Seriously though, best wishes!

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Congrats! Best job in the world. I have 3. It pays off…just…not until they can get their own snacks.


Congrats Tommo! :grin:

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Congratulations @tommo ! :grin:

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I feel you. Have a 4 year old son too. My daughter can thank god she came first :wink:

Congratulations @tommo!


Congratulations @tommo !

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Fantastic news @tommo! Congratulations. See you back here whenever you can .

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Congratulations Tommo! I wish your newborn girl health and happiness!

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Thank you all for the great support :smiley:

We survived the first week and I even played some guitar :slight_smile: We’ll soon try to teach the new kid our family routine so I can get back to work more regularly!

Also, thank you so much for the info about teatslanting and mouth orientation. This is groundbreaking and was not explained in any of the 80s instructional videos that we bought :smiley:


Congratulations to you and your family @tommo! Hopefully you’re all well! :slightly_smiling_face:

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@tommo, oh dear my friend. You have fallen into the same trap I did, by not learning from the first, being lulled into a false sense of security and having a second! What are you? A glutton for punishment??
Haha! All jokes aside, I’m glad to hear of your new arrival and wish you and your family well - enjoy this special time!


can definitely relate

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Congrats man! Awesome news!

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Congrats @tommo
Wish you and your family all the happiness!

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