Some of you may know me as the bluegrass wannabe. I recently, with the help of @Troy, found a motion that i think could work for me, it is a DSX motion, and i can do it super fast and smooth on one string. I have devised a bunch of DSX based bluegrass runs and i am practicing them and they are coming along, But i ultimately am still really intent on discovering a DBX motion that i can start experimenting with. To play improvisational bluegrass at about 130 bpm, and play the onps roles at that speed that all bluegrass players can do, you have to have a dbx motion. I know guys like grier and sutton at at blazing fast speeds (like 160 for bluegrass), they favor a one-way escape and maybe don’t really do 1NPS roles, but at normal grass speeds, like 130 bpm, they all have a double escape motion. Mine is stuck at about 108 bpm, because it’s string hopping.
The problem is, i don’t know how you check to see if you have found a dbx motion. If you do it on one string, it’s kind of hard to tell if it is double escaping, and if i try to do it on multiple strings… well, that just completely fails, so clearly i can’t do it. When i try to do it, it just feels like string hopping. even if my wrist isn’t really flexing, it still feels STUCK.
I want to at least try to start down that road, but i don’t know where to start.
What is the way to initially discover a DBX motion? How do i find it? Has anyone on here every gone from being unable to do it, to suddenly discovering it, or is it just a natural talent that some have and others don’t? i think anyone can learn 1 way escapes, but double escape seems like such a complex motion, you either have it or you don’t. maybe I’m wrong.